
In HetznerBareMetalMachineTemplate you can define all important properties for the HetznerBareMetalMachines . HetznerBareMetalMachines are reconciled by the HetznerBareMetalMachineController , which DOES NOT create or delete Hetzner dedicated machines. Instead, it uses the inventory of HetznerBareMetalHosts . These hosts correspond to already existing bare metal servers, which get provisioned when selected by a HetznerBareMetalMachine .

Lifecycle of a HetznerBareMetalMachine

Creating a HetznerBareMetalMachine

Simply put, the specs of a HetznerBareMetalMachine consist of two parts. First, there is information about how the bare metal server is supposed to be provisioned. Second, there are properties where you can specify which host to select. If these selectors correspond to a host that is not consumed yet, then the HetznerBareMetalMachine transfers important information to the host object. This information is used to provision the host according to what you specified in the specs of HetznerBareMetalMachineTemplate . If a host has provisioned successfully, then the HetznerBareMetalMachine is considered to be ready.

Deleting of a HetznerBareMetalMachine

When the HetznerBareMetalMachine object gets deleted, it removes the information from the host that the latter used for provisioning. The host then triggers the deprovisioning. As soon as this has been completed, the HetznerBareMetalMachineController removes the owner and consumer reference of the host and deletes the finalizer of the machine, so that it can be finally deleted.

Updating a HetznerBareMetalMachine

Updating a HetznerBareMetalMachineTemplate is not possible. Instead, a new template should be created.

cloud-init and installimage

Both in installimage and cloud-init the ports used for SSH can be changed, e.g. with the following code snippet:

sed -i -e '/^\(#\|\)Port/s/^.*$/Port 2223/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

As the controller needs to know this to be able to successfully provision the server, these ports can be specified in SSHSpec of HetznerBareMetalMachineTemplate .

When the port is changed in cloud-init, then we additionally need to use the following command to make sure that the change of ports takes immediate effect: systemctl restart sshd

Choosing the right host

Via MatchLabels you can specify a certain label (key and value) that identifies the host. You get more flexibility with MatchExpressions. This allows decisions like "take any host that has the key "mykey" and let this key have either one of the values "val1", "val2", and "val3".

Overview of HetznerBareMetalMachineTemplate.Spec

Key Type Default Required Description
template.spec.providerID string no Provider ID set by controller
template.spec.installImage object yes Configuration used in autosetup
template.spec.installImage.image object yes Defines image for bm machine. See below for details.
template.spec.installImage.image.url string no Remote URL of image. Can be tar, tar.gz, tar.bz, tar.bz2, tar.xz, tgz, tbz, txz
template.spec.installImage.image.name string no Name of the image
template.spec.installImage.image.path string no Local path of a pre-installed image
template.spec.installImage.postInstallScript string no PostInstallScript that is used for commands that will be executed after installing image
template.spec.installImage.swraid int 0 no Enables or disables raid. Set 1 to enable
template.spec.installImage.swraidLevel int 1 no Defines the software raid levels. Only relevant if raid is enabled. Pick one of 0,1,5,6,10
template.spec.installImage.partitions []object yes Partitions that should be created in installimage
template.spec.installImage.partitions.mount string yes Mount defines the mount path of the filesystem
template.spec.installImage.partitions.fileSystem string yes Filesystem that should be used. Can be ext2, ext3, ext4, btrfs, reiserfs, xfs, swap, or the name of the LVM volume group, if the partition is a VG
template.spec.installImage.partitions.size string yes Size of the partition. Use 'all' to use all remaining space of the drive. M/G/T can be used as unit specifications for MiB, GiB, TiB
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions []object no Defines the logical volume definitions that should be created
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions.vg string yes Defines the vg name
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions.name string yes Defines the volume name
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions.mount string yes Defines the mount path
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions.fileSystem string yes Defines the file system
template.spec.installImage.logicalVolumeDefinitions.size string yes Defines size with unit M/G/T or MiB/GiB/TiB
template.spec.installImage.btrfsDefinitions []object no Defines the btrfs sub-volume definitions that should be created
template.spec.installImage.btrfsDefinitions.volume string yes Defines the btrfs volume name
template.spec.installImage.btrfsDefinitions.subvolume string yes Defines the btrfs sub-volume name
template.spec.installImage.btrfsDefinitions.mount string yes Defines the btrfs mount path
template.spec.hostSelector object no Options to select hosts with
template.spec.hostSelector.matchLabels map[string][string] no Specify labels as key-value pairs that should be there in host object to select it
template.spec.hostSelector.matchExpressions []object no Requirements using Kubernetes MatchExpressions
template.spec.hostSelector.matchExpressions.key string yes Key of label that should be matched in host object
template.spec.hostSelector.matchExpressions.operator string yes Selection operator
template.spec.hostSelector.matchExpressions.values []string yes Values whose relation to the label value in the host machine is defined by the selection operator
template.spec.sshSpec object yes SSH specs
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef object yes Reference to the secret where SSH key is stored
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef.name string yes Name of the secret
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef.key object yes Details about the keys used in the data of the secret
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef.key.name string yes Name is the key in the secret's data where the SSH key's name is stored
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef.key.publicKey string yes PublicKey is the key in the secret's data where the SSH key's public key is stored
template.spec.sshSpec.secretRef.key.privateKey string yes PrivateKey is the key in the secret's data where the SSH key's private key is stored
template.spec.sshSpec.portAfterInstallImage int 22 no PortAfterInstallImage specifies the port that can be used to reach the server via SSH after install image completed successfully
template.spec.sshSpec.portAfterCloudInit int 22 (install image port) no PortAfterCloudInit specifies the port that can be used to reach the server via SSH after cloud init completed successfully


You must specify either name and url, or a local path.

Example of an image provided by Hetzner via NFS:

image: path: /root/.oldroot/nfs//images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-base.tar.gz

Example of an image provided by you via https. The script installimage of Hetzner parses the name to detect the version. It is recommended to follow their naming pattern.

image: name: Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom url: https://user:[email protected]/images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom.tar.gz

Example of pulling an image from an oci-registry:

image: name: Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom url: oci://ghcr.io/myorg/images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom:1.0.1

If you need credentials to pull the image, then provide the environment variable OCI_REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN to the controller.

You can provide the variable via a secret of the deployment caph-controller-manager :

apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: # ... spec: # ... template: spec: containers: - command: - /manager image: ghcr.io/syself/caph:vXXX env: - name: OCI_REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: my-oci-registry-secret # The name of the secret key: OCI_REGISTRY_AUTH_TOKEN # The key in the secret. Format: "user:pwd" or just "token" # ... other container specs

You can push an image to an oci-registry with a tool like oras :

oras push ghcr.io/myorg/images/Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom:1.0.1 \ --artifact-type application/vnd.myorg.machine-image.v1 Ubuntu-2204-jammy-amd64-custom.tar.gz