
You can set Kubernetes Annotations to instruct the Syself CAPH Controller to modify its behavior.

Overview of Annotations

Resource HetznerBareMetalHost
Description This annotation instructs the Syself CAPH Controller to wipe the disk before provisioning the machine.
Value You can use the string "all" or a space-separated list of WWNs. For example, "10:00:00:05:1e:7a:7a:00 eui.00253885910c8cec 0x500a07511bb48b25" . If the value is empty, no disks will be wiped. The value "all" will wipe all disks on the bare-metal machine (not just the one given in the rootDeviceHints).
Auto-Remove Enabled: The annotation is removed after the disks are wiped.

Resource HetznerBareMetalHost
Description This annotation instructs the Syself CAPH Controller to ignore the results of the check-disk step during machine provisioning. The check will be performed, and a Kubernetes Event will be created. However, if this annotation is set, provisioning will continue even if a faulty disk is detected.
Value The value is ignored. If the annotation exists, this feature is enabled.
Auto-Remove Disabled: The annotation remains on the resource. It is up to the user to remove it.

Resource HetznerCluster
Description This annotation allows the Syself CAPH Controller to create HetznerCluster resources with an empty controlPlaneEndpoint . This is useful to support externally managed control planes ( PR 1106 )
Value "true" enables this feature. All other strings are considered "false" .
Auto-Remove Disabled: The annotation remains on the resource.

Resource Cluster (CRD of Cluster-API), HetznerBareMetalMachine
Description See Using constant hostnames for more details.
Auto-Remove Disabled: The annotation remains on the resource.

Resource HetznerBareMetalHost
Description If this annotation is present, the bare-metal machine will be rebooted. This annotation is used by HetznerBareMetalRemediation (see Machine Health Checks with Custom Remediation Template ).
Value The value is ignored. If the annotation exists, this feature is enabled.
Auto-Remove Enabled: The annotation is removed after the reboot.

Resource HetznerBareMetalHost
Description This annotation is set by the Syself CAPH Controller when a bare-metal machine enters the "permanent error" state. This indicates that human intervention is required (e.g., to fix a broken disk). After the root cause is resolved, the user must remove this annotation to allow the Controller to manage the HetznerBareMetalHost again.
Auto-Remove Disabled: The annotation must be removed by the user.
Developing Cluster API Provider Hetzner