Adding HCloud servers


Consider the following spec.topology.workers from a sample Cluster resource:

workers: machineDeployments: - class: workeramd64hcloud name: md-0 replicas: 5 failureDomain: nbg1 metadata: labels: "true" variables: overrides: - name: workerMachineTypeHcloud value: cpx31 - name: workerMachinePlacementGroupNameHcloud value: md-0 - class: workeramd64hcloud name: md-1 replicas: 3 failureDomain: nbg1 variables: overrides: - name: workerMachineTypeHcloud value: cx41

A machine deployment has a single machine type. Therefore, you must create a different machine deployment for each machine type you want to use. In the example above, we have three replicas of cx41 machines and five replicas of cpx31 machines.

You can define as many machine deployments as you like, and scale them separately by setting the number of replicas . It is also possible to use an autoscaler. If you are interested in doing so, please read How to Use Cluster Autoscaler.

Each machine deployment requires a unique name. This name will be reflected in the machine names in Hetzner.

If you want to assign a label to all nodes of a machine deployment, you can do so in metadata.labels .

For placement groups, set them in variables.overrides :

- name: workerMachinePlacementGroupNameHcloud value: placementGroupName

Placement Groups are used to control the distribution of virtual servers in Hetzner datacenters. If you want to know more, you can read the Hetzner documentation.

The name should match an existing placement group, created in your Cluster resource topology.variables :

- name: hcloudPlacementGroups value: - name: placementGroupName type: spread


To set the amount of controlplane nodes, change the value of spec.topology.controlPlane.replicas in your Cluster resource.

Machine types

We support all x86 architecture VM types (with at least 4GB RAM), shared or dedicated vCPU, including arm64 machines.

CX322 Intel8 GB80 GB
CPX314 AMD8 GB160 GB
CX424 Intel16 GB160 GB
CPX418 AMD16 GB240 GB
CX528 Intel32 GB240 GB
CPX5116 AMD32 GB360 GB
CAX214 Ampere8 GB80 GB
CAX318 Ampere16 GB160 GB
CAX4116 Ampere32 GB320 GB
CCX234 AMD16 GB160 GB
CCX338 AMD32 GB240 GB
CCX4316 AMD64 GB360 GB
CCX5332 AMD128 GB600 GB
CCX6348 AMD192 GB960 GB

For controlplane nodes, we recommend a minimum of 4 vCPU cores and 8GB of RAM. This would be a CX32 machine.

Note on regions

We only support controlplane machines in the same region.

Load Balancers at Hetzner are always in a single region, so there is no real benefit to having nodes in multiple regions because there is a single point of failure in the zone of your Load Balancer. In the event of an outage, even if your nodes are distributed, access to your cluster will be halted if your Load Balancer region is affected.

Having your nodes in a single region improves latency. This is relevant since etcd is latency sensitive, so this reduction will outweigh any benefits you might get from having a multi-region cluster.

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