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Run Kubernetes On Hetzner with Syself

Kubernetes Made Easy

Reduce your Kubernetes operational costs by up to 80% with our reliable, easy-to-use management platform—saving time, money, and resources.

Our Technology Powers Critical Infrastructure at

Eco Association of the Internet Industry
LanguageTool Proofreading Software
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Geneea Intelligent Interpretation
Open Source Business Alliance
Eco Association of the Internet Industry
LanguageTool Proofreading Software
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Geneea Intelligent Interpretation
Open Source Business Alliance
cluster.yaml yaml
    kind: Cluster
          name: mycluster
                cidrBlocks: ['']
                cidrBlocks: ['']
            serviceDomain: 'cluster.local'
kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml
Creating cluster... created ✅
kubectl get nodes
NAME                               STATUS   ROLES
mycluster-md-0-bkbqh-7sjwd-8qlpk Ready <none>
mycluster-rqh9d-ckm5p Ready control-plane
mycluster-rqh9d-lfxck Ready control-plane
mycluster-rqh9d-n7b8p Ready control-plane
Cost Reduction
Faster Time to Market
Daily Users Processed
Faster Request Times

Our Kubernetes Management Platform Allows You to Create Clusters in Minutes – No Expertise Needed!

See it in action in our demo video

Since 2021, Syself has significantly improved our core infrastructure at eKool. Their expertise with Kubernetes and Hetzner has been invaluable. We’ve been recommending Syself to other companies and are confident they will continue to grow and succeed.

CEO @ eKool

Girts Laudaks

CEO @ eKool

A Powerful And Reliable Kubernetes Management Platform

We have designed every feature of our platform to automate the DevOps work. By building everything from the ground up, we ensure every component is tightly integrated, achieving the best possible performance while reducing the complexity.

Contact Us

Use Native Kubernetes Tooling

With our platform, you can interact with your Kubernetes infrastructure using native tooling and APIs. In this way, you can integrate the infrastructure and application layers to manage the lifecycle of clusters and software together. By treating clusters as any other Kubernetes resource, we make advanced automation easy.

A Main Kubernetes Cluster


CX31 | x64 | 20 GB | eu-central
1 minute ago

Give Superpowers to Your Cloud Infrastructure

Syself Autopilot continuously scans your infrastructure and resolves issues in real-time—no manual intervention needed, ensuring your applications are always running.

Lose The Fear of Updating

Syself allows you to update all the components of your clusters with just a single command. You remain in control of when and how the updates are applied, ensuring your infrastructure always behaves as expected.

Update available


Dec 27

Update available


Dec 27

Update available


Feb 14

Declare the Desired State of Your Infrastructure

Our platform is fully compatible with declarative configurations, an approach that uses configuration files to define the desired state of your infrastructure and applications. This ensures consistency and reproducible configurations across all environments. You can version control, test and audit changes before they take effect. You can also take advantage of CI/CD pipelines for powerful infrastructure management.

clusterstack.yaml yaml
	  kind: ClusterStack
	    name: hetzner-apalla-1-31
	    provider: hetzner
	    name: apalla
	    kubernetesVersion: '1.31'
	    channel: stable
	    autoSubscribe: true
	      name:  hetzner-apalla-1-31
	      kind: HetznerClusterStackReleaseTemplate

Trusted by Innovators Like You

Businesses from all kinds of industries are using Syself to power their Kubernetes infrastructure, achieving greater efficiency, reducing costs, and scaling their operations.

  • “Syself Autopilot was the ideal solution for us. We wanted the raw computing power of Hetzner dedicated servers but without the added complexities such as maintaining a hardened OS image. All the best practices seem to be implemented and the support has been very helpful and professional.”

    Stephen Hoogendijk

    CTO @ Maxroll Technologies B.V.

  • “Syself Autopilot has quickly become an essential tool in our infrastructure stack. It allows us to create and manage Kubernetes clusters quickly, securely, and with a high degree of standardization. The OIDC integration is a particular highlight, simplifying the authentication process tremendously. Given our positive experience, we’re seriously considering making Syself one of our key technology partners moving forward. For any team looking for an efficient and scalable Kubernetes solution, I can’t recommend Syself Autopilot enough.”

    Antony Goetzschel

    CEO @

  • “Syself empowered us to run Kubernetes on Hetzner, our favorite cloud provider.Their robust solution and regular updates help us a lot to have a secure and performant infrastructure. It is also great that Syself supports bare metal and especially GPU servers, so that we can use Kubernetes to run our AI workload.”

    Radim Kubacki

    Software Engineer @ Geneea

  • “Syself’s expertise with Kubernetes and their deep knowledge of Hetzner’s systems have been invaluable. Thanks to their support, we’ve been able to fully leverage the power of Hetzner’s machines and implement Infrastructure as Code as our new standard. Their quick response times and proactive problem-solving have been outstanding. We’ve been recommending Syself to other companies and are confident they will continue to grow and succeed.”

    Girts Laudaks

    CEO @ eKool OÜ

  • “During our search for a solution to smoothly transition from Docker Swarm to Kubernetes, while keeping our infrastructure hosted on Hetzner, we discovered Syself Autopilot. It quickly proved to be the ideal Kubernetes Management Platform, automating the complexities of managing production-grade infrastructure. With Syself Autopilot, we achieved a seamless migration that adhered to Kubernetes best practices, all while preserving our existing Hetzner environment.”

    Frederik Stoiber

    CEO @

  • “Syself provides a fully managed ClusterAPI management cluster. You just connect to it, configure your Hetzner API Key and declaratively specify clusters. They take care of the rest. No terraform to provision VPCs, Helm charts to install the correct load balancer controller for you cloud of choice etc. I couldn't imagine a more convenient way to spin up clusters and the costs for their offering are already offset by the savings off the first few Hetzner machines.”

    Nico Duldhardt

    Co-founder @

  • “With the help of Syself, we are able to run our Kubernetes on Hetzner without effort. Problems of any kind are always solved quickly and reliably by their team. I can recommend Syself to anyone who wants to run Kubernetes on Hetzner or other supported providers.”

    Stefan Viol

    Head of DevOps @ LanguageTooler

  • “Syself's team was very helpful and competent. They helped us on short notice - within hours of our initial request - in a situation where we urgently needed a Kubernetes solution. The platform is easy to use and the onboarding really effective. We were able to get started quickly and without any issues.”

    Stephan Breideneich

    CEO @ BREOS GmbH

  • “Syself Autopilot has streamlined our daily operations, automating routine tasks and making cluster provisioning a seamless process. It's a powerful tool that has elevated our DevOps capabilities. I would highly recommend Syself's Autopilot to any organization seeking to enhance their cluster management capabilities and improve overall operational efficiency.”

    Mareks Sudniks

    DevOps Engineer @ K12 Technologies


You will no Longer be Afraid of Taking Down Production

Syself brings you peace of mind, as you know that your infrastructure is in good hands. Our software takes care of all the complexities of managing a production-ready Kubernetes environment, freeing you from this headache. With our automation, you will never be afraid of your infrastructure letting you down.

Book a Demo

You Don’t Need to Be a Kubernetes Expert

Our platform is designed to be user-friendly, letting everyone easily deploy and manage production-ready Kubernetes clusters.

We Abstract Away the Complexity

We designed our product so that you have the benefits of using Kubernetes without the hassle of managing it.

Fully Automated DevOps Tasks

With Syself, every step of a cluster's lifecycle is automated. We take care of your infrastructure, so that you can focus on your business needs.

On Hetzner, I'm able to achieve a much more cost-efficient setup than on AWS and Azure. The problem is that it's not straightforward to set up and manage Kubernetes on Hetzner. But with Syself, you just connect to it, configure your API keys and declaratively manage clusters. I couldn't imagine a more convenient way to spin up clusters, and the costs for their offering are already offset by the savings of the first few Hetzner machines.

Canida Cofounder

Nico Duldhardt

Cofounder @ Canida

More Features

Networking Complexity
Service Mesh Integration
Lifecycle Management
SLA and Support
Kubernetes Native
Resource Optimization
Gitops Ready
Ingress and Egress Control
Monitoring and Logging
Declarative Configurations
GPU Support
Storage Management
Security Configuration
Disaster Recovery
Cluster Federation
Pre-Configured Clusters
Security Patch Management
Dedicated Operational Mode
Secrets Management
Network Policy Enforcement
OS Hardening
Cluster Upgrades
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Local Storage
Configuration Drift
Machine Learning Ready
App Health Checks
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Dependency Management
Legacy App Integration
Infrastructure Ownership
Stateful App Management
Compliance and Governance
Addon Management
GDPR Compliance
Bare Metal Support
Open-Source Foundation
ARM Support
Role-Based Access Control
Cost Management
Feature Requests
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
Flexible Updates
Kubernetes Native
GPU Support
App Health Checks
Cost Management
Flexible Updates
Security Patch Management
Cluster Federation
Monitoring and Logging
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
Gitops Ready
Networking Complexity
Stateful App Management
Configuration Drift
Infrastructure Ownership
ARM Support
Bare Metal Support
Legacy App Integration
Service Mesh Integration
SLA and Support
GDPR Compliance
Declarative Configurations
Role-Based Access Control
Lifecycle Management
Dependency Management
Ingress and Egress Control
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Network Policy Enforcement
Cluster Upgrades
OS Hardening
Disaster Recovery
Open-Source Foundation
Dedicated Operational Mode
Storage Management
Compliance and Governance
Pre-Configured Clusters
Addon Management
Security Configuration
Resource Optimization
Local Storage
Feature Requests
Machine Learning Ready
Secrets Management
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Lifecycle Management
Monitoring and Logging
Legacy App Integration
Disaster Recovery
Pre-Configured Clusters
Dedicated Operational Mode
Dependency Management
Declarative Configurations
Cluster Upgrades
Infrastructure Ownership
Security Configuration
Cluster Federation
Bare Metal Support
Kubernetes Native
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Storage Management
GDPR Compliance
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Networking Complexity
Open-Source Foundation
Gitops Ready
App Health Checks
OS Hardening
Security Patch Management
Stateful App Management
Resource Optimization
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
Local Storage
GPU Support
ARM Support
Cost Management
Flexible Updates
Configuration Drift
SLA and Support
Machine Learning Ready
Addon Management
Role-Based Access Control
Ingress and Egress Control
Compliance and Governance
Network Policy Enforcement
Service Mesh Integration
Feature Requests
Secrets Management
Addon Management
GPU Support
Role-Based Access Control
Legacy App Integration
Disaster Recovery
Networking Complexity
Pre-Configured Clusters
Machine Learning Ready
Dedicated Operational Mode
Secrets Management
App Health Checks
Network Policy Enforcement
Kubernetes Native
Service Mesh Integration
Monitoring and Logging
Stateful App Management
Cluster Federation
Flexible Updates
Gitops Ready
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Security Configuration
Bare Metal Support
Security Patch Management
OS Hardening
Compliance and Governance
Declarative Configurations
Lifecycle Management
SLA and Support
Configuration Drift
Feature Requests
Ingress and Egress Control
Dependency Management
ARM Support
Storage Management
Cost Management
Local Storage
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
Resource Optimization
GDPR Compliance
Infrastructure Ownership
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Open-Source Foundation
Cluster Upgrades
Network Policy Enforcement
Storage Management
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
Cost Management
Feature Requests
Dependency Management
Role-Based Access Control
Infrastructure Ownership
OS Hardening
Gitops Ready
Legacy App Integration
Secrets Management
Open-Source Foundation
Local Storage
GDPR Compliance
ARM Support
Networking Complexity
Service Mesh Integration
Bare Metal Support
Kubernetes Native
GPU Support
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Compliance and Governance
Declarative Configurations
App Health Checks
Machine Learning Ready
Monitoring and Logging
Flexible Updates
Ingress and Egress Control
Addon Management
Configuration Drift
Cluster Federation
Stateful App Management
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
SLA and Support
Security Configuration
Pre-Configured Clusters
Disaster Recovery
Cluster Upgrades
Dedicated Operational Mode
Security Patch Management
Resource Optimization
Lifecycle Management
Cluster Federation
Legacy App Integration
Compliance and Governance
Cost Management
Open-Source Foundation
Cluster Upgrades
Networking Complexity
Declarative Configurations
Dependency Management
Monitoring and Logging
Addon Management
Kubernetes Native
Local Storage
Role-Based Access Control
Feature Requests
Dedicated Operational Mode
Machine Learning Ready
Network Policy Enforcement
GPU Support
Disaster Recovery
Multi-Tenancy and Isolation
Ingress and Egress Control
Storage Management
Stateful App Management
Secrets Management
Multi-Cloud Strategy
Infrastructure Ownership
Resource Optimization
Security Configuration
Lifecycle Management
Service Discovery and Load Balancing
GDPR Compliance
SLA and Support
App Health Checks
Gitops Ready
Bare Metal Support
OS Hardening
Security Patch Management
Flexible Updates
Service Mesh Integration
ARM Support
Pre-Configured Clusters
Configuration Drift

Kubernetes Shouldn’t Drain Your Budget

Managing Kubernetes shouldn’t be a budget-buster. Yet, many businesses overpay for highly specialized teams and expensive managed solutions. We change that.

Fair and Transparent Pricing Model

Syself eliminates the need for constant cost optimization. Our pricing scales directly with your usage, so you are always paying a fair price for the resources you use.

See Pricing

Forget About...

  • Tedious manual tasks

  • Spending months hiring experts

  • Time wasted not building your product

  • Needing a whole team for managing Kubernetes

  • Making mistakes with business-critical infrastructure

Operate Your Infrastructure Cost-Efficiently

Lower costs than DIY
Lower costs than a salary of a Kubernetes expert*
Lower costs than other managed solutions

Reduce Your Cloud Expenses Up To 80% by migrating to Hetzner

Syself enables you to use cost-effective infrastructure providers like Hetzner, saving you money compared to other cloud providers.

Book a Demo
Hetzner and Syselfie handshaking in suit

See How Syself Transformed Their Kubernetes Experience

Kubernetes Transparent

Easy, Production-Ready & Secure Kubernetes

You don't have to take our word for granted. We offer a 14 days free trial period, so you can see for yourself the benefits of Syself, no commitment.