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Scalable and Cost-Efficient Kubernetes for SaaS

SaaS companies shouldn't spend time on infrastructure - they should focus on their business. Syself's Kubernetes Management Platform makes this possible.

We enable you to manage an Enterprise-Grade Managed Kubernetes infrastructure - no matter your level of experience. You don't need a team of experts - we take care of the hard stuff. And the best part? Our platform is affordable - a fraction of the cost you would pay for something similar elsewhere.

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Floating dashboards, terminals, charts, and browser windows
Cost Reduction
Faster Time to Market
Reduction in Outages
Faster Request Times

Never Let Your Users Down

A chart of 3 vertical bars in decreasing order

The Best Cost-efficiency

Reduce your costs with Hetzner, the cloud provider with the best price-to-performance ratios. Mix virtual machines and bare metal for extra cost optimization.

Optimized Out Of The Box

Every cluster comes optimized for security and performance out of the box. Waste no time with complicated configurations.

Floating metrics from a dashboard

Unmatched Reliability

Our software ensures your environments always matches the desired state, and gives self-healing capabilities to your infrastructure.

Truly Scalable

Don't have to be afraid of traffic peaks anymore—Your clusters can be scaled automatically when the demand increases, and downsized in periods of low traffic, achieving high performance and cost-efficiency.

Deploy Instantly—No Kubernetes Expertise Required

We believe at using Kubernetes, not managing it. That's why we built a user-centric platform that allows everyone to benefit from modern cloud practices, beginners and experts alike.

You can instantly deploy clusters that are tailored for your applications, without the need to hire a dedicated team of experts. We take care of all the complicated parts, while you focus on growing your business.

A Syselfie in front of a computer, a finger pointing at a big red buttons labeled Deploy
A group of 3 servers floating on a platform, with coins next to them and arrows pointing downwards

Kubernetes Doesn't Need To Be Expensive

We let you run your clusters on affordable providers, while giving you more features than managed solutions. With Syself, you can achieve up to 80% cost reduction when compared to alternatives.

Don't believe it? Schedule a consultation and see for yourself.

Kubernetes-native infrastructure for a platform serving 70% of all Estonian schools

Kubernetes-native infrastructure for a platform serving 70% of all Estonian schools

Serving more than 200 thousand users monthly, eKool is one of the top educational platforms in the Baltic region, helping schools manage their daily life and bringing them together with parents and students.

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